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General Information / Общая информация

Children’s Science Society ‘FORWARD’

Dear Friends!

The Children’s Science Society ‘FORWARD’ is an organization for children who want to study the English language not only at the lessons but also get extra knowledge of it and have some amusement. The CSS ‘FORWARD’ was founded in November, 2010 and since then has developed a lot. Its mission is to give the ability of the language promotion for children and professional promotion for teachers of Tomsk city and Tomsk oblast. Participating in the events of the CSS ‘FORWARD’ is also the opportunity to develop the skills of making projects, team working, Internetworking and public presentation. Developing of creativity is another important thing about the participating in the CSS ‘FORWARD’ activities.

All the children of the Society are highly motivated despite the level of their English knowledge.

Among the activities of the CSS ‘FORWARD’ are different contests, ‘knowledge-go-rounds’, festivals, tournaments and other events.

Join our Society if you want to develop your English greatly!
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